Turtle Roof Studio : 
Architecting Expressive Spaces

Turtle Roof Studio is an indie architectural firm creating expressive spaces, where each design is a dialogue between form and function. Their work goes beyond mere structures, embedding stories and emotions into the very fabric of their spaces, making every environment not just a place to be, but a space to feel.

Problem: Brand visibility in a saturated market.

Creative Solution: Our competitor analysis revealed a focus on precision over emotion in architectural branding. Seizing an opportunity, we introduced a fun, expressive mascot to Turtle Roof Studio's identity. This shifted the brand from overly serious to approachable and warm, aligning closely with its mission of creating emotionally resonant spaces and setting it apart in a technically driven market.

/ Brand Strategy
/ Naming
/ Visual Identity
/ Print Collateral
/ 3D

Arch+Eng is an Croatian multinational engineering firm, recently moved and headquartered in Zagreb. They provide design, engineering, consulting, construction, and management services to an ever increasing number of clients. Arch+Eng designs a wide range of building types that each excel at their function, provide a high-quality environment for people, strengthen their client’s brand and identity, conserve energy and water, and complement their contexts.

Arch+Eng is an Croatian multinational engineering firm, recently moved and headquartered in Zagreb. They provide design, engineering, consulting, construction, and management services to an ever increasing number of clients. Arch+Eng designs a wide range of building types that each excel at their function, provide a high-quality environment for people, strengthen their client’s brand and identity, conserve energy and water, and complement their contexts.